2024/2025 Enrollment dates begin July 26, 2024.
Classes will be held on Wednesday at 6:45p.m-8:00 p.m
First Reconciliation and First Communion are celebrated in 2nd grade.
Parents/guardians of older students wishing to receive First Reconciliation and First Communion need to contact the office to make sure we have them on the list.
Circle of Saints First Communion Policy: All students requesting to receive First Communion need to be registered prior to the first class with an indication that they are seeking the sacrament. Students should regularly attend weekly RE classes. While the occasional absence is excusable, a significant number of absences will signify that the student is not yet ready to receive the Eucharist. In addition to regular attendance at RE classes, all students and at least one parent/guardian should attend the parent meetings. Parents/guardians are also asked to attend their child's First Reconciliation as well as their First Communion Mass.
First Communions will be celebrated in St.Patrick-Tama May 4th, 2025
First Communion Info:
Suggested Attire: Boys - dark pants, dark shoes, white shirt, tie.
Girls - white/ivory: dress, shoes, tights or socks, veil, gloves.
*Gloves & veil are optional. Gloves need to be removed prior to receiving Communion. In lieu of a veil, a ring of flowers or other hair accessories are acceptable.
Pictures/video during Mass: When processing in and afterward only!
Students will have the opportunity to try the bread prior.